Monday, September 30, 2019

Men Really are from Mars

It has been my experience that no matter how we try to alike, men and women definitely act differently, respond differently and see the world differently.   I have witnessed this behavior first hand in many of my classes. I had never noticed exactly how different we were until I started looking, and I was very surprised at how obvious it is.   My results may not be the same in every situation and I do not wish to generalize but overall and in most cases, this is what I witnessed. Firstly, in the classroom, in the learning environment the women seemed to â€Å"physically† be paying attention.   They made almost constant eye contact with the professor, took notes and watched every movement.   In contrast, the men, although paid attention, did not appear as â€Å"physical† about it.   They listened but very differently.   The women's listening skills were very active.   They watched, and gestured in agreement (when they agreed) and made notes while almost never losing eye contact.   The men, also took notes, but seemed to be able to do so without watching the professor or even appearing to be listening.   When something noteworthy was said, the women scribbled feverishly, but the men seemed to jot it down.   Again, this was not 100% the case, but obvious enough to notice and mention. The opposite happened, however, when the students spoke in class. When a male was asked to speak, he stood up very tall and also very exaggerated.   His shoulders broadened, his voice deepened and he appeared very serious.   Most of the males that spoke also gestured with their hands to emphasize their point.   Their voices were louder than necessary as they directed their answer to the professor.   In contrast, when a female spoke, her voice was quiet and she appeared to speak to the class as opposed to just the teacher.   I also never saw any female gesture dramatically with her hands or talk louder than necessary. Before class, when the atmosphere was more social, I also noticed several distinct differences between the males and the females.   The males grouped together and were again loud and sometimes obnoxious with language and jokes.   In this setting their actions were overly dramatic and it seemed they wanted everyone to hear what they were saying, whether they were in the conversation or not.   Also, when they grouped together to talk, almost 100% of the time, only males were in the group. Again, in sharp contrast was the way the females socialized.   Although they mainly talked to other women, at times, they did include men, and they spoke very quietly.   Their conversations were not â€Å"locker room talk†, but instead about the last assignment, or the current subject.   Even when they did speak socially, I didn't hear any crude jokes or obscenities.   This is not to say they didn't occur, just that if they did, because the women spoke so much quieter I couldn't hear them. After class was again a huge difference.   The men gathered up their books (many times early) and left the classroom quickly, again loudly and with friends.   The women took their time, waited for the crowd to disperse and walked slowly out of the room.   Many of them even stopped to talk to the professor on the way out, and some of them waited for friends in the hallway.   The differences were as obvious as night and day, and ones that I had never really noticed before. In every situation I witnessed the differences in men and women were so obvious I was shocked that I hadn't noticed them before.   The men not only talked to each other differently, but seemed to hear each other differently as well.   The women seemed to genuinely listen and even ask questions about the material.   Again, I don't mean to generalize as some men did ask questions, but overall it was the women who asked more questions about the material.   Also when a male asked a question, he usually blurted it out and did not look around to see if anyone else had a question.   It's difficult to point that out because although that was the case, it did not appear rude at the time, or selfish.   The women accepted it, the professor accepted it.   It was as if, it was not obvious to anyone, except me, and only because I was watching their behavior. I think these differences are huge, and I can fully understand why they say men are Mars and women are from Venus.   It really is as if we see things totally differently, to the extent where sometimes I wondered if we were all hearing the same material and in the same room.   It was that obvious.   I also think we need to be more aware of these differences and work to understand them.   This effort could result in far fewer arguments and much more peaceful relationship among us.      

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Television Viewing Habits of Youngsters in India

INTRODUCTION: The latter part of the 20th century is known as the â€Å"Electronic age’’. It is estimated that 97%of the homes have atleast one television set. Children who come from homes without television are likely to view programs in schools, at friends house and in stores. Almost every youngster is exposed to television. Television has had a tremendous impact on the lives of the youngsters as it provides them with entertainment, information as and companionship. One of our television actors has said ‘that shows for youngsters are limited because there are not many takers for these programs . nd family oriented soaps are getting more TRPs. He says that he himself being a youngster prefers to watch shows like friends, music based reality shows, films, etc. and not family oriented soaps. When youngsters watch television with their parents their choice always differs. Because youngsters prefer to watch channels like Mtv, Channel V and more of reality and entert ainment show. While parents usually watch daily soaps and news, which most of the youngsters do not prefer to watch. There is hardly anything left for the youngsters to watch today because nowadays many daily soaps have been increasing. But there are a couple of channels catering to young audiences between the age group of 18-25 years. SURVEY ANALYSIS: The survey which was conducted to find out the television viewing habits among the youth gave us a lot of information as to what exactly the youngsters prefer to watch on television. And what changes they would like to have on television in future. Mostly all the youngsters watch reality shows. Like roadies stunt mania Khatro Ke Khiladi, Indian idol, Big Boss, Dance Reality shows, etc. Many of them watch shows on Sab Tv like Tarak Mehta ka Oolta Cashma , Comedy circus ,etc. They say that these shows give them entertainment and refreshment from studies. Some of them also watch Star Movies, HBO , and other movie channels. A few of them watch discovery, travel and living ,cookery shows ,programmes on NDTV Goodtimes ,and different news channels which give them a lot of information about the outside world . A very few youngsters watch daily soaps. A large no of youngsters yet watch cartoon because it entertains them. And cartoons help them to forget their problems for a little while. Many of them want changes in television in the future; mostly all of them are against the daily soaps on Colours, star plus and Zee Tv. They say that such daily soaps have a bad impact on people. And it can really spoil the children if they watch this entire daily. They expect more of those programmes which give them information which is real and which can help them in their life. Unlike the daily soaps which are fake and they show things which can never happen in our daily lives. IMPACT OF TV VIEWING HABITS OF YOUNGSTERS ON BEHAVIOR NDTV and Aaj Tak: The youngsters watch different channels on television to get knowledge from all the different fields. But they watch more of reality based programmes ,on channels like mtv ,channelv, zoom, bindas, etc. The news channels are usually preferred by senior citizens. but even the youngsters watch news channels. The main news channels are Aaj Tak and NDTV. They watch news channels to be aware of the happenings in our and other countries. But t he very less youngsters watch news. * Cartoon Network: Some of them also watch cartoons. But mainly children watch it. But sometimes for refreshment or entertainment many youngsters prefer to watch cartoons. The most demanded cartoon which is watched by all the ages is Jom &Jerry. There are many cartoons which can have a bad effect on the youngsters as well as the children, which should be banned. * ESPN: Almost all the youngsters like sports. And many of them only watch sports channel. The most demanded sports channel is ESPN. T his channel shows all the different types of sports. Many of the youths have a lot of interest in different sports. There are many other sports channels like neo sport, D. D sports, etc. * MTV and UTV Bindaas: Mtv and Bindas are the channels which are demanded by all the youngsters. These channels show programs which are highly demanded by today’s youth. These channels show reality shows, reality dance shows. singing shows, MTV shows the most demanded program ROADIES and SPLITSVILLA. These shows give entertainment that’s why mostly all the youths watch it. They also show different types of music and songs. The other channels which are demanded by the youths are Channel V, VH1, ZOOM, B4U, etc. Colors and Star Plus: Star Plus and Colors are the channels which show all the daily soaps, which is mostly watched by the middle aged people. The youth does not prefer to watch such channels which do not give them any entertainment. But there are some youngsters who watch these daily soaps. But most of them find these channels and these programs boring. * Doordarshan: D. D (doordarshan) is one of the oldest channels. None of the youths watch this channel or the programs in it. It is only preferred by the old people. * SAB TV: Sab TV is a channel which is demanded by all the age groups. It mainly contains programs which are entertaining unlike the daily soaps. They have all comedy serials which is preferred by everyone. Even large no of youths watch this channel. CONCLUSION: Thus we can conclude that the overall survey has helped us to know what exactly the young generation prefers to watch on television. And also the changes they expect in the near future. It has also helped us to know their views about different shows on television. This survey has really helped us to know the television viewing habits among the youngsters.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Opinion paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Opinion paper - Essay Example exual predators, including uncovering their networks, but the former must be cautious in not abusing its limitations and breaching the Constitutional rights of their targets. Some state laws assert that entrapment is not a legal way of apprehending criminals, depending on the strategies and context involved, but it can be adequate as a strategy for catching real criminals. Officers can pose as juveniles or pimps, and it is appropriate, if this can help them catch true criminals, who are different from â€Å"players.† Players are people who are chatting only because of their perverse sexual fantasies. They do not â€Å"intend† to participate in criminal acts. Law enforcement officers can entrap sexual predators on the Internet, as long as they avoid coaxing and harassing the targets into doing something illegal. They should not force or manipulate their targets through fraud too. James 4:7 says: â€Å"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.† If these â€Å"players† are not doers of sexual crimes, they will not be â€Å"entrapped.† If they become entrapped as part of the policeâ₠¬â„¢s undercover operations, then they will meet the force of the law. Resisting the devil is the first step in resisting crimes. When successful, not only will the devil flee, but undercover cops as

Friday, September 27, 2019

Case Studies in Ethnic Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Case Studies in Ethnic Conflict - Essay Example Despite the Tamils being previously viewed as a passive and non-violent community, their terrorist organisation the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam or LTTE was â€Å"arguably the most disciplined, dedicated, and ruthless guerrilla organization in the world†Ã‚  (DeVotta, 2004: 170). The secessionist movement of the LTTE also referred to as the Tamil Tigers, soon turned into a vicious struggle between them and the Sri Lankan government for territorial control over the eastern and northern regions. From a survey of the literature available on the LTTE, it is found that there are various factors that led to their emergence, ranging from ethnicity and language issues, to political, ideological, military and economic factors. This essay will study the various causal factors (national and international) that led to the rise of the LTTE and their subsequent importance in the Sri Lankan politics since 1983 until their demise in 2009. Discussion LTTE, which was founded in 1976, aimed a t creating an independent ethnic state for the Tamils in the north and north-eastern parts of Sri Lanka, often referred to as the Tamil Eelam. ... This view of a struggle for independence had a widespread acceptance among the Tamils, even among the non-combatant ones. To justify the Tamil claim for independence and separate identity from the Sri Lankan political system, it was claimed that the Singhalese and Tamils, prior to the British intervention, existed as two distinct communities occupying separate areas, and the Tamils were looking to re-assert their political sovereignty (Kulandaswamy, 2000). There were claims that the Singhalese and Tamils existed as two territorially distinct States with political sovereignty until 1833, when the British brought them together for administrative convenience, under the Colebrook Commission, and there were further claims that the Tamils did not give up their legal sovereignty and remained independent even under the British rule (Vaddukkodai Resolution, 1976). However, de Silva (1981) in his researches suggested that the LTTE brought in the ‘two-nation theory’ (prior to the B ritish rule), merely to justify their violent struggle for liberation and use of arms, which had a greater support and attraction at an international level. The characteristics used for establishing the ‘two nation’ theory were separate territories, language differences between the two communities, and distinct political entities. However, a closer analysis revealed that under the British rule, despite creating distinct divisions using their classical divide-and-rule policy, they managed to maintain a strict territorial integrity (de Silva, 1981). In another analysis, the conflict is termed a terrorist movement, which was a political difference between the Sri Lankan government and a secessionist group (Bandarage, 2009). Bandarage claimed that according to Uphoff (2000), the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Maldistribution of physicians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Maldistribution of physicians - Essay Example Mal-distribution is defined as an excess or a scarcity of any given physicians needed in safeguarding of health status of any given people at a best possible level (Shi and Singh 85). The paper seeks to define the problem related to mal-distribution and imbalance of specialty in United States concerning physicians and then provide possible solutions to the problem. Mal-distribution of physicians has been a problem. The United States is not spared of this problem. Some parts of the United States have inadequate access to health care (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). The shortage of physicians in the rural setup has been a nagging problem with the country medical care system. It is estimated that close to 20% of the United States population live in rural areas. However, the number of physicians that are in these areas is alarming. As noted, only 9% of the country physicians practice in the rural communities (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). There has been increased supply of physicians. However, rural areas still are far below the current urban supply of physicians. There are various factors likely to have an influence on physicians supply. One of such factors is specialty mix. Specialty is seen as having an influence on physician location choice for various specialty groups (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). In United States, family physicians are seen as distributing themselves based on population. However, other specialties are seen to stay likely in areas with more progress (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). There are various things that can be done to avoid the problems in the health sector. The first crucial thing is to fix the medical education system (Rosenblatt and Hart 350). The change will help in ensuring that there are more physicians in rural areas. The system should be ensured it selects, trains, and deploys more majorities of health workers that choose to work

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Risk Methodology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Risk Methodology - Coursework Example Intended audiences include large state organizations concerned with important national issues such as food, security or the environment. The paper will seek to discuss the Operation Risk Management (ORM) methodology. Operation Risk Management (ORM) methodology can be defined as an engineered-based risk management system that is used to examine risks and safety of existing systems1. This system is commonly used by the military and federal aviation administration aspects of the government. It can also be used by other sectors like food administration and environmental protection. For example, the Food and Drug Administration department can use this methodology to develop security protocols and risk assessment procedures for food supply. This risk assessment tool is designed to mainly help in the identification of operational hazards and benefits. When such risks are determined, the best course of action can be formulated and implemented to combat unforeseen events. Risks normally arise from failed or inadequate processes, systems, people or external factors. For example, food supply can be provided to the wrong population as a result of an erroneous report generated by the food system. ORM uses a well defined procedure to address risk issues and design risk preventive measures. The steps used by this methodology in order are: risk identification, assessment, analysis, making of decisions, implementation and supervision or review2. To begin with, identification of risks is the first step in ORM that involves examination of each activity constituted in a process. According to this methodology, a risk is any circumstance that can result to illness, property damage, injury or degradation. For example, preparation of juice could be a process in making dessert for clients. Some of the hazards that can be associated with this

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Value Proposition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Value Proposition - Essay Example For the reason that no company or product was developing a Catalogue app, a Smart Interface Solutions has registered the Catalogue app, a cheap and easy in use and setup mobile Micro Enterprise Resource Planning, the product will be good idea for the small business. The product will be available on any smartphone as a powerful and smart inventory management tool. The interface will use the smartphone technologies such as camera, GPS, accelerometer and Bluetooth. The Catalogue app is a highly adaptable inventory management and tracking app, the primary target audience is the traders and small entrepreneurs focused on the stock management system with the easy interface. While, small enterprises do not have access to he significant finance for specialized hardware, the product will be a solution in this area. In terms of user interface and configurations, they are functionally identical with the larger desktop variants within the same software. The main benefits for the customer is the efficiency, ability to save user’s time, accuracy of the data received, ability to make an analysis of the data and reduction of task repetition processes. In terms of costs, the product will not cost much; customers will be able to train when using the app. It will allow customers to configure and manage their software on the computer of the usual size through the available software. An app will give a possibility to design that information which user wants. Such opportunity is one for the purpose to make Catalogue adaptable to all applications.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Debate and team paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Debate and team paper - Essay Example This grows the country’s economy significantly. This paper will review some of the advantages of tourism on both the political and economic front. The political situation in the Philippines is questionable at the moment. However, the government supports tourism since they benefit from all the foreign capital that flows into the country (Lumang, 2008). Some of the political class that supports tourism offer the tourists with accommodation during their stay. It is tantamount that the political class be involved. This is because they offer comfort to all those that wish to travel to the Philippines for holiday, and business. There are establishments run by politicians which offer tourists with the best services, hence providing them with a chance to host more tourists in a year. Another advantage that comes with tourism for the political front is the laws that are in place that promote tourism as an investment. There are laws still being passed in parliament for there to be tourist zones. This means that politicians will push for the building of restaurants, resorts, and hotels to benefit the tourists. The proposed laws also offer incentives to potential investors since they offer the exemption of duties placed on some goods and services (Lumang, 2008). Investors may want to bring their capital to the Philippines since it is profitable. Tourism is raking in billions of dollars into the country. In the near future, it is evident tourism will be responsible for the direct employment of more than four million Filipinos in the country (Lumang, 2008). The Philippines is marketing itself as the preferred destination for all foreign nationals. If people are willing to invest in the country, it is only a matter of time before the country realizes some of its most desired dreams. As many people are retiring to the Philippines, it is offering a new variety of amenities for them.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mountain Due Case Essay Example for Free

Mountain Due Case Essay What changes in the environment provided the opportunity for the Dewmocracy approach? The opportunities that created the environment was a new wave of marketing normal TV ads and news papers and magazines were not being as affective. So with the millennium wave, dewmocracy starting using internet and especially social media such as blogs, twitter, facebook, MySpace etc. Mountain Dew decided to focus on the customers they already had and harnesses their passion for mountain dew. Which of the promotional elements described in Figure 17-2 were used by Mountain Dew in its Dewmocracy 2 campaign? Explain your answer. The promotional elements that were used in the Dewmocracy 2 campaign are advertising, sales promotion and direct marketing. The reason why I say advertising because mountain dew is trying to reach the mass which is efficient for a large amounts of people. Every time they market a product they advertise. It was also sales promotion because the campaign very flexible and for the mass. The customers felt comfortable in their social media and online on the dewocracy websites chatting. It was also direct marketing because it was used over the computer and people were creating mountain dew twitter accounts to vote for their favorite drink. Also making videos of testing things which goes to the customization part the customer was able to choose the drink that they thought was the best. #3 What are some of the different ways Mountain Dew can assess the success of its campaign? Be specific using information you have learned from the textbook. Note that the Grade Center on Blackboard has these cases listed. Mountain Dew can definitely asses the success of their campaign first just by looking at their market sales. Using their variable cost, fixed cost and so forth. Also they can assess their success by the market testing they did they went by they went by the new product process which increased their chances of doing well which they did.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

War In A Time of Peace Bush, Clinton, and the Generals Essay Example for Free

War In A Time of Peace Bush, Clinton, and the Generals Essay David Halberstam who is considered to be one of Pulitzers Prizewinning journalist write the sequel of â€Å"The Best and the Brightest† entitled â€Å"War In A Time of Peace Bush, Clinton, and the Generals. † In this great book he tries to evoke the internal conflicts, power struggles and unchecked ego within the White House, the military and the state department. He also shows here how the decisions of men who served in Vietnam War and even those who did not have shaped Americas role in global events. He provides the influential and fascinating power of Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Kissinger, Baker, Cheney, Albright and others to reveal a stunning view of modern politics in America and policy. Beginning with the Persian Gulf War, the author tries to discuss political shifts by emphasizing foreign to domestic issues which ushered Clintons administration. Despite the fact that Clinton, along with much of the country preferred to focus on the home front, America nonetheless found itself in conflict in Haiti, Somalia and the Balkans this events reflected American discomforts with the use of military forces abroad and at the same time acknowledging that majority of the world is dependent on the United States for guidance and support. Halberstam also noted the irony of the Gulf war since it was the time where lesser-known players who contributed to the picture were not overlooked. And the wrong branch of the service and the wrong military leaders were celebrated at its conclusion. He points out that President Bush got little electoral bounce from that first high tech, low casualty victory and that this was a lesson that Clinton never forgot. Then the author shifts to the conflict in Bosnia which\ch is a different kind. That war he says tested the United States commitment to moral goals in it foreign policy rather than simply to considerations of national security. Bosnia created a new political constituency in America on e that is â€Å"driven by a memory that connected these events to the atrocities of the Mazis and therefore demanded that other nations ask themselves what their larger purpose was. † War In A Time of Peace 2 Halberstam also noted. Reviewing the last pages of the book, the author gave his point of view in taking a glimpse of the future and the September 11, 2001 World trade center tragedy. The author tries to speculate and give a notion of wrong idea at the wrong time he notes that intelligence analysts believe â€Å"the threats to an open society like America comes form terrorist, rather than the military power of rogue states† which themselves present an exceptional target. Events and personalities clashed in this extraordinary book. The author masters the presentation of well-rounded portraits and in telling the anecdotes of the personalities that created United states policies over the past decades. It was really a historical book full of niche from the author that he himself had carved it is a luxurious product of about four to five years of research wherein any journalists or other people from all walks of life can be indulged and enjoy reading it. It gives a clear portrait of the emerging united States in its full and vivid human detail. War in a Time of Peace is really an interesting case for Americans. If they want to learn from the past decade, they should. If they want to think about the future they must. This is a guiding book for them to read so as to avoid conflicting ideas about politics and policy, leaders ad laws. And how it feels good to live in a strong and influential country like America. Reference David Halberstam, David, (2002). War In A Time of Peace Bush, Clinton, and the Generals.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Racial Inequality in the US

Racial Inequality in the US Inequality Essay Racial inequality among blacks have long been a blatant circumstance of the American experience. Such circumstances range of from the horrible realities of African enslavement in the 1700s to the restrictions on human rights such asand unfair practices such as literacy tests before being permitted to housing and voting in the 1950s. Fast forward to modern day, and the progress that blacks have initiated in America is evident through legislation like the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Act. Both are pieces of legislation which stemmed from the Civil Rights Movement. Despite the advancement, the repercussions of such mistreatment of blacks by whites are still in effect today. The issue of â€Å"internalized racism† comes in part from the pressure of a majority white society and economy wanting blacks to be a â€Å"model minority,† while in fact the institution of a majority white society are the ones in â€Å"denial† of the ongoing problems that make blacks feel th ey should not be the â€Å"model.† All the terms have socioeconomic complexes pertaining to the inequality of backs in America. Each term will be defined in context of the paper as well as analyzed and interconnected with each other term through factual justification attained from a socioeconomic and historical basis. The term internalized racism refers to the negative, condescending racial viewpoints that blacks have towards other blacks. Viewpoints such as seeing your own race as lesser than another race, not wanting to be of your own race, and wishing other people in your race were not associated with you are all forms of internalized racism. For hundreds of years, blacks were told that they were not equal to their white counterparts. They were told that having â€Å"dark skin was a mutation, and were made lower in society† (Smedley 59). These observations, as we know today, are completely absurd. However, such remarks were made and carried on for so long, and even acted on by white authority during periods of slavery where â€Å"lighter skinned Africans did not have to engage in harsher labor tasks as darker skinned Africans†(Colorism 1). Plus, majorities of American Congress agreed to the inequality of blacks with Jim Crow Laws and voting laws. Therefore, it is reasonable to see the internalized racism of blacks in previous generations where they would believe that they are not equal to whites or that their darker skin is a mistake. Furthermore, such ideologies from white society carried on in post-slavery eras such as the Industrial Revolution where blacks with lighter skin were more acceptable in society. Therefore, within black communities having fairer skin was seen as a positive physical attribute rather than having darker skin. This colorism among blacks was another form of internalized racism. Also, due to white supremacy, the â€Å"black† way of speaking which was primarily through ebonics was seen as uneducated. Therefore, in many Black communities internalized racism would arise when one spoke â€Å"white† because other members of the community would frown upon that and assume you were trying to be â€Å"white.† Moreover, speaking â€Å"properly† refers to a way of speaking that does not comprise of ebonics or any other cultural dialect of English that does not derive form white colonialism. By doing this, whites would view blacks who spoke in such a matter as educated and reformed. With the notion of white supremacy which favors â€Å"whiteness† over â€Å"blackness,† the dialect more associated with whites would be what was deemed more acceptable and appropriate. Such viewpoints from model minority still have profound impact. I can recall my sister being teased by other blacks in middle school because she supposedly â€Å"talked white.† One of the black girls even went as far as to say, â€Å"you think you’re better than us?† With such a statement, it is apparent to see the internalized racism at work. Just because my sister spoke in a way in which was deemed by white society as â€Å"educated† and â€Å"pure,† other black girls actua lly believed that and saw that my sister’s â€Å"white† way of speaking was automatically better than their dialect even though my sister never made any statement or action of superiority over them. Furthermore, my sister’s way of speaking would be seen by whites as appropriate or the â€Å"model† way in which to speak. However, my sister was not trying to be something she was not. That was just the way she spoke. My sister has her own beliefs, culture, and influences that have all affected her dialect from birth. However, with white society forming an acceptable â€Å"norm† in which to speak; there is some vulnerability for instances internalized racism among blacks and other non-whites. The socioeconomic implications from the experiences my sister has had as well as other African-Americans are evident as well. According to a poll conducted by, one of the leading employment websites; it was concluded that employers are more likely to hire someone who has a similar dialect to themselves. Furthermore, with most employers being Caucasian, it is advantageous for African-Americans to develop a dialect that may not be natural to them. In my sister’s case it was natural since she is a first-generation American, therefore, her dialect can be easily derive from her life experiences. However, this can really be an issue to many African-Americans in the workforce because they feel they have to behave not authentically in order to just have a chance of being hired and contributing to the economy. In stating this, one could conclude why this could be one of the reasons why the highest rates of American unemployment are among African-Americans. This is crucial b ecause that leaves a substantial vacancy for African-Americans in the workforce. Who knows the economic gains that could be derived if Americans tapped in to the potential human capital of all people rather than those they could most identify with? There has been legislation passed that makes some corporations meet a â€Å"quota† for minority employees, however, I believe corporations should really seek out to racially broaden their workforce rather than just meet a quota because you are forced to. Diversity promotes different perspectives, experiences, and knowledge that could all be beneficial to help a company grow. This is a circumstance that I believe more corporations should seriously look into. The term model minority refers to the â€Å"proper† manner in which white society believes blacks should behave. Factors such as dialect, culture, and behavior are all effected under the model minority. The â€Å"proper† manner that white society believes blacks should engage in terms of this paper is a manner in which they â€Å"keep to themselves, don’t initiate any political change for the betterment of their race, speak without the use of ebonics, etc† (Model Minority). Basically the culture that derived from white colonialism is the culture white society wants blacks to take on. In addition, by white society wanting blacks to also keep to themselves and not try to initiate any political change; the notion of white supremacy will stay intact without their power being compromised. The term denial is a more refers to the ignorance of racial mistreatment that whites have towards blacks that the whites themselves fail to see. The inequality among blacks by whites has made substantial progress in modern-day from where it was even 50 years ago. Inequality based on race is illegal in nearly every facet of American life which allows blacks in America to succeed in ways unheard of in previous generations through affirmative action regulations set for universities, reformed voting laws, and more. However, despite the progression blacks have fought for, there is still a lot of inequality. The amount of blacks in prisons far â€Å"outnumber the number of whites although whites commit more crimes† (Weiser). Moreover, â€Å"blacks are the highest race targeted† with the Stop and Frisk laws placed in New York (Weiser). However, even with many racial inequalities that whites perform towards blacks; many whites believe that racism and prejudice is not alive, and that the lives of black people are just as equal and fair as whites when that is not true as evident through the preceding issues addressed. The issue of denial can be predi cted for the following reasons: Since whites do not have to conform to the â€Å"model minority,† they don’t realize the struggle that many blacks go through with having to abandon who they really are as people in order to adopt model minority principles to be more accepted in society which could lead to their own personal, economic growth. Therefore, with blacks trying to be more accepted and play a part in a majority white economy, they have to deal with internalized racism stemming from condescendence among some blacks for abandoning their culture in order to â€Å"fit in.† Furthermore, since many whites are not really aware of this, it is easy to deny issues that many blacks face especially within their own cultural circles. The socioeconomic impact of trying to be a â€Å"model minority† is prevalent among blacks as well. There is a renowned opportunity cost at stake when it comes to this issue. Should a black person act like â€Å"society† wants them to act in order to have a better shot at employment and advancement within the workforce, therefore forfeiting their cultural integrity to get ahead? Or should a black person stay true to themselves, and be looked at as â€Å"different,† therefore diminishing their opportunities for employment and career advancement? It’s a tough decision to make, and many blacks and minorities find themselves in a space where they have to balance the two worlds. Furthermore, having to work to find this â€Å"balance† takes away from the time that blacks could be using to be more efficient contributors of the economy. It brings an additional, psychological workload on top of what they already have to deal with in their respective economic situations. Racial inequality among Blacks and Whites have long been a critical part of the American experience. The depiction of the model minority is a motivating factor behind some internalized racism within black communities and groups. Therefore, it can be easy for a white or non-white person who is not associated with any such group to deny some of the issues at hand. Furthermore, with the advancement of civil rights and privileges of modern-day that are somewhat due to blacks going against the model minority during the Civil Rights Movement; whites may believe that the fight for equality is over, and that blacks and whites are in fair, equal society. As we know by now, that is not the case, but with discussions such as the ones brought up in this paper even more progression can be made with race relations and inequalities in American society.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Inaugural Address to the People of the US :: essays research papers

Inaugeral Address to the People of the US   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hello ladies and gentleman, citizens of the United States of America. Today I will be reading to you my inaugural address, and will hopefully cover any and all issues or questions you may have about why you should, and trust me, you should, vote for me to be your president. The ten issues I will be addressing in my speech are: education, medical care, employment, welfare, crime, drug trafficking, language, environment, media, and abortion. Let me start with education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Education is not something to be taken lightly. To many kids today are not getting sufficient education, starting as soon as kindergarten. My plan for education is to set guidelines and standards that will be relevant in every school. By a certain grade, each student should have been taught everything sufficient for that level of education. This way all students will have been taught the same amount of information at the same time. I would take away AP classes and instead put children who learn at an accelerated rate in their choice of a grade above their current level, or at a school specifically designed for children of their intelligence. This way in public schools, children not in AP classes will not in any way feel inferior. I will press for smaller classes, and more teachers, that way, children can get more individual attention that so many of them need. I will also make it so that colleges must pay more attention to the motivation of the student rather then the grade point average. To often high school students get rejected from colleges because their grade point average doesn’t meet the standards of a certain school.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Eddie Gein :: essays research papers

Edward Theodore was born on August 27, 1906, to Augusta and George Gein in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Eddie was the 2nd of two children. Eddie's mother was a fanatically religious women, who was determined to raise the boys according to her strict moral code. Eddie's mother repeatedly warned her sons of the immorality and looseness of women, hoping to discourage any sexual desires the boys might have. ( In the Beginning) Augusta was a domineering and hard woman, while her husband George, was a weak man and an alcoholic. George had no say in the raising o the boys. Agusta began a grocery business in La Crosse the year Eddie was born, so she could save enough money to move away from the sinners in the city. In 1914 they moved to Plainfield, Wisconsin to a one-hundred-ninety-five-acre farm, isolated from any evil influences that could disrupt her family. Eddie's father died in 1940. ( In the Beginning ) Eddie was average in school, but he loved to read. His schoolmates shunned Eddie because he was effeminate and shy. He had no friends. In 1944 Eddies brother Henry mysteriously died. ( In the Beginning) On December 29, 1945, Augusta died after a series of strokes. Eddies foundations were shaken upon her death, he lost his one true friend. It was after his mothers death that Eddie began to immerse himself in his bizarre hobbies that included nightly visits to the graveyard. ( In the Beginning ) It was from the obituaries that Eddie would learn of the recent deaths of local women. Having never enjoyed the company of the opposite sex, he would quench his lust by visiting graves at night. Although he later swore to police that he never had sexual intercourse with any of the bodies ( they smelled to bad), he did take a particular pleasure in peeling their skin from their bodies and wearing it. He was curious to know what it was like to have breasts and a vagina, and he often dreamed of being a women. He was fascinated with women because the power and hold they had on men. ( Seriously Weird) After a while Gein decided that it was too laborious to dig up bodies alone. It was easier, he concluded, to murder women and bring their bodies to his farmhouse for more "experiments." His first victim was 51-year-old Mary Hogan, operator of a Pine Grove, Wisconsin, saloon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Lord of the Rings

Rutledge,   Fleming. The Battle for Middle-earth: Tolkien's Divine Design in The Lord of the Rings. Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans. 2004. Fleming Rutledge takes a deep dive into the religious undertones behind Tolkien's masterpiece. This was especially written for Tolkien readers who look at The Lord of the Rings as pure fantasy, totally unaware of the religious dimensions of the story. The author accomplishes this by taking a parallel analysis of the events as they unfold in the book. With scholarly expertise, Rutledge shows the theological themes that drive every action in the story, thus proving the profound presence of religion in the sub-narrative. In his introduction, Rutledge writes the following: Nonetheless, because I have come to the work entirely without expectations, I am presumptuous enough to believe that my delayed, untaught encounter with the Ring saga – combined with my knowledge of Scripture, theology, and the Church – had afforded an opportune glimpse into Tolkien’s deepest intimations. (2) In another chapter, Rutledge writes about Bilbo’s behavior, If there were any doubts about the lasting effects of the ring even on the most innocuous individuals, the next sequence dispels it. †¦ In the great Hall of Fire after dinner, Frodo is reunited with Bilbo. Of course Frodo is overjoyed to see his beloved relative, mentor and friend once more; it has been the greatest desire of his heart. But when the subject of the ring comes up between them, an appalling change creeps over Bilbo. He asks, in a rather too sniveling a voice if he can see the Ring once more†¦ The change in Bilbo is revolting†¦ The implication is clear. One more close encounter with the Ring and dear, cuddly, beloved Bilbo will be on his way to becoming another Gollum. 2. West, John Garret, et al. Celebrating Middle-Earth: The Lord of the Rings As a Defense of Western Civilization. Inkling Books. 2002 This volume is a collaboration among six writers who each explores the place of The Lord of the Rings in the modern Western world. Each of the authors present In John West’s preface, he says, Tolkien was both a devout Christian and a dedicated scholar of the Western intellectual and literary traditions, and his love for Christianity and the West stand at the core of this narrative. Far from being simple escapism or blind nostalgia, Tolkien’s saga actually confronts many of the idols of modernism and post-modernism. (10) Another writer, Kerry Dearborn maintains, Tolkien’s faith was deeply important to him, and it is something woven into the fabric of his stories, but something which must be deduced or worked out†¦Although Tolkien reflects vivid belief in and experience of the world’s depravity, his faith correlates more closely to Christian traditions that would affirm a vestige of the divine in creation and the imago dei (the image of God) in humanity rather than total depravity. (95-96) Towards the end of the book, West writes, We are free to a point. We are free to accept our calling or reject it. The most inspiring thing about The Lord of the Rings, for me, is its heroes’ monumental struggle to fulfill the mission that fate had ordained for them†¦ Nothing could make them abandon their mission†¦ Whereas the good characters all submit to authority outside of them, the bad ones recognize no authority higher than their individual will. 3. Bassham, Gregory and Bronson, Eric. The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All.   Open Court Publishing. 2003. The author of this book is chairman of the philosophy department at King's College. This book takes a philosophical view on the lessons on life and living that the Lord of the Rings presents. Particularly, the authors distill lessons about morality and ethics, the power of choice, and the corruptive nature of power. Bassham writes the following, †¦Gollum is the more fascinating character†¦ He represents the good gone bad, something which is always intriguing for those who are struggling to stay with the first. Sam represents the good that stays good even under temptation. Both Gollum and Sam want the same thing: to be happy. Both work hard at it. But only one of them succeeds: Sam reaches his goal and Gollum ends in disaster. Why? This is the momentous philosophical question, because it concerns the nature of the good life, the life of happiness. We need to answer it because in answering we can perhaps also learn something important about how to achieve happiness for ourselves. In the book, the authors make the following points, So St. Augustine and Tolkien agree that nothing is completely and utterly evil, because such a thing could not even exist because existence itself is good. (103) In another chapter, the authors further, In an epic tale of good and evil such as The Lord of the Rings, it is a virtual necessity that the characters representing good and evil can be identified as such by the reader. One way for them to be identified is through their actions. Another is though the character traits from which those actions proceed. There may be different literary reasons for preferring one approach to the other, but when the characters are given personalities that exhibit virtues or vices, the moral lesson is clearer. The lesson is clearer because right actions may be performed for wrong reasons, or, alternatively, wrongful acts may be performed for the right reasons. So just looking at what people do may be less morally instructive than considering who they are. (110) 4. Lobdell, Jared et al. A Tolkien Compass. Open Court Publishing. 2003. This book is basically a compilation of reflections to the places and characters in Middle-Earth. This book is intended to use Middle Earth as a guide to our own life’s journeys. This volume traces the journeys of some of the main characters in Tolkien’s story, their inner struggle and transformations, and cull lessons that we an use as we face life’s many uncertainties. Walter Schepes writes in his essay, It is important to note that most of the distinctions between good and evil in The Lord of the Rings are generic distinctions, and the forces of evil are often immediately recognizable as such from their place of origin, their color, or their manner of speech. (44) The author furthers, These major characters seem to fall into groups of three. First, there are three already wholly corrupted by the desire for power – Sauron, the Ringwraiths, and Gollum. Second, there are the three who belong to an earlier time and have removed themselves from the world to such a degree that the power of the Ring means nothing to them – Shelob, Fangorn, and Tom Bombadil. Third, there are three, The Great, who would have the strength to wield the power of the Ring if they did obtain it – Saruman, Gandalf, and Galadriel. Fourth, there are the three men of Gondor to whom the Ring offers special temptation in their threatened land – Boromir, Denethor, and Faramir. And fifth, there are the three who for differing reasons obtain heroic stature in the story – Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn. (57) 5. Curry, Patrick. Defending Middle-Earth: Tolkien, Myth and Modernity. Mariner Books. 2004 Curry focuses on the different social and political systems that existed in Middle Earth and how these various structure worked together to ward off an evil that threatens all of them. The author maintains that Tolkien’s masterpiece is a spiritual work meant to enlighten those who read it with an open heart. This book also analyzes the symbolic battle of nature against a highly mechanical, modern world and how Tolkien presents us with a cautionary tale about the abuses of technology. The following is an excerpt from the book: However, although Tolkien drew on the tiny corner of the world that is the West Midlands of England, readers from virtually everywhere else in the world connect the hobbits with a rustic people of their own, relatively untouched by modernity – if not still actually existing, then from the alternative reality of folk and fairy tale. 6. Chance, Jane. Tolkien the Medievalist. Routledge. 2003 This book puts Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings in the context of the Medieval Period. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the elements of Tolkien’s stories and relates them to the literary characteristics that were in effect during the Middle Ages. This book will be useful in studying how the elements of Catholic beliefs of good and evil influence Tolkien’s famed The Lord of the Rings trilogy. However, aside from the comparison with the literature of the Middle Ages, this volume offers an interesting perspective on how the trilogy came to be and to what extent did the existing circumstances, particularly the looming world war, affected Tolkien’s value system and how he wrote the book. A relevant quote from the book goes like this, In September of that year John Ronald Tolkien, then a 22-year old student at Oxford awaiting military call-up, wrote a fairy tale poem titled â€Å"The Voyage of Earendel,† about a celestial mariner who sails west to seek peace for Middle Earth. It was the beginning of his invented mythology. (26) 7. Isaacs, Neil David et al. Understanding The Lord Of The Rings: The Best Of Tolkien Criticism edited by Neil David Isaacs. Houghton Mifflin Books. 2005 This volume compiled and edited by Isaacs is the definitive collection of literary criticisms on The Lord of the Rings. The books compile essays from the time The Lord of the Rings was first published up until the renewed interest in Tolkien after the release of the Peter Jackson’s film. This book is valuable because it presents a variety of perspectives and arguments without diluting the beauty of Tolkien’s masterpiece. In Edmund Fuller’s essay, he makes a point about the theme of good and evil in The Lord of the Rings, As to the inherent meaning, we are confronted basically by a raw struggle between good and evil. This contest offers a challenge and demands decisions of several kinds. The power of evil is formidable and ruthless. The initial decision, in which many of the characters participate, is whether or not to attempt to resist at all†¦ So great and discouraging are the odds involved in resistance that the possibility of surrender, terrible than the fight – unless the deciding element is the moral choice of rejecting evil regardless of consequence. (19) 8. Porter, Lynette. Unsung Heroes of The Lord Of The Rings: From The Page To The Screen. Praeger/Greenwood. 2005 Porter’s book presents a fresh take on heroism as defined by the minor characters on the book. Most criticisms on The Lord of the Rings are about the central characters, often overlooking the fact that the ones in the background have struggles and heroism in their own lives as well. Here is Porter’s take on Pippin, Pippin’s value as a hero cannot truly be measured using the typical definitions of a literary hero. The importance of his character lies not in his ability to serve as a classic literary hero preordained for greatness, but in his ability to overcome his fear and self-doubt to grow up and into a heroic young adult. Pippin is truly the everyperson hero who, at least early in his life, might be voted least likely to do anything worthwhile for others, but who matures into a leader capable of heroic action in crises. (59)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Disabled by Wilfred Owen Essay

When you hear ‘death’ you think of pain and suffering. The poem Disabled by Wilfred Owen shows that he regrets some major decisions he made in his very short life; such as going to war. Throughout the poem he states how much he regret going to war. He used lots of terms to describe his pain and suffering in the war and also after coming home from the war. How he is against all wars. He informs young men on how the war really is. Another source I looked at was the movie Gallipoli. The protagonist was so eager to go to war. He was so excited thinking it was going to be fun and above all he was out into the light horse category. He was constantly saying that he wanted to get home and share his experiences with his family, only little did he know that is was the last time he was going to see them. Good afternoon fellow students and Ms Dadd/Fegatilli. We have all been studying war stories for a week or two. The 2 forms of writing we have been studying are Disabled by Wilfred Owen and some of us have been studying the movie Gallipoli. The protagonist in â€Å"Disabled† speaks about how he misses all of the wonderful memories that he had only last year, before he lied his way to go to war underage to show off, only to lose limbs and become an old man who is only about 19 and has aged as though until he looks and feels elderly. He has lived in an institute for most of his life after he came back from the war. This teaches us that you must cherish what you have and not to show of how good you can be. You never know when you suddenly lose important things to you because of the decisions you have made before. Wilfred Owen uses repetition throughout the poem to try and bring these messages of regret across, such as â€Å"Now he will never feel again† and â€Å"Now, he is old; his back will never brace;† to emphasis what he will never have again and how much he has lost. Wilfred Owen sets the mood to match the theme. The theme of this poem is a look at what has become of a man who made wrong choices in life then to later regret it. In Disabled, he has used emotive language and powerful words to emphasize the theme. The second source I looked at was the movies Gallipoli. The protagonist is so keen of the idea to go to war, that he doesn’t think of how it will affect others and how it will affect himself. So he signs the form; which proudly states his is over 21. The film Gallipoli shows that men back in those days didn’t take it seriously. They thought it was all fun and games right until they were in the trenches about to shoot people or possibly even go over when they were commanded to. So as you can see, not many people made it out alive. They thought it was going to be all fun and games but they were very mistaken. So throughout this speech I have mentioned the effects that both protagonists have to deal with. Death brings pain and suffering but in this case it was the war. Thank you for listening to my speech.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pens Is Mighter Than the Sword Essay

Apparently, its structure is also not impressive in its built, but it has great strength and power. The holder of pen is always knowledgeable and learned man. He succeeds everywhere and his orders are obeyed. If the weapon of a warrior is a sword, the weapon of a learned and a commanding authority is the pen. Who so ever held the pen he would get the respect, wealth and fame, and he who left it, would become ineffective, unsuccessful and futile. History has proved that the pen is mightier. All philosophers, doctors, educated and wise men, scientists, poets, writers and engineers got their repute due to the pen. Their names are still alive today only on account of their books, theories, laws and their written works left behind them. Had they not held the pen in their hand, they would not have had education and ultimately their names would have been buried with them in the grave and remained unknown in oblivion. The progress of sciences, evolution, and advancement of the world at large, all is indebted to the pen only. The man invented electricity, ships, Aeroplane, radio and television. He is now commanding seas, mountain, rivers, air, water, fire, the Sun the Moon and the Earth. He is willing to go beyond the moon. The man had invented the computer, robot, and he has succeeded in inventing the treatment of previously un-curable diseases. The information technology has brought the countries of the world very closer to each other. The latest news of one end of the world is known to the other end in a fraction of time. All these miracles have been possible by the knowledge delivered by pen. Now some of us might wonder how the pen can be mightier than the sword. Yes! None can deny the sword has also great importance, because it is the next name of might and power. However, the sword can create havoc, spread a sense of terror like Changez Khan, and conquer the world. With the swords, you can only learn fighting each other. There are many other weapons of terror that has been invented. Now all the super powers have the atomic power, the most destructive weapon of the modern time. The holders of such weapons are supposed to be mightier countries. Now I ask my opposition to answer how the atom bomb, has been invented. In fact, this is the gift of science or knowledge whose alternate name is pen. This proves that the power itself is not self reliant without the help of pen. The power having no support of pen will never be effective, and will be weak and defenceless. I do not say that the sword and other weapons used are useless, but their use should be strictly limited to self-defence and for the ultimate benefit of mankind. It is therefore imperative that the sword is used for tyranny and oppression as well as implement justices. Whereas the pen whose second name is knowledge and wisdom makes the nation literate, cultured, and well behaved. The words from pen are always better than blood spilt out by the sword. We could express and convey our feelings of justice and peace through words of wisdom. Our thoughts and opinions, justice and belief, laws of human rights and humanitarian principles can only be written through the pen. You cannot enforce justice and peace through the mightiest sword. The pen is the pioneer of truth and justice, teaches us to help poor, oppressed and downtrodden. The rule of the pen can make the world a peaceful place and a paradise on the Earth.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Child and young persons development

Understand the kinds Of influences that affect CYP's development Criteria Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect CYP's development including d) background e) health f) environment 3ackground: The children I'll be working With Will come from a wide range Of backgrounds that will have an impact on their development, such as family composition, culture and beliefs etc.If a child iS from a different culture or belief from most of the other children in the class, then here may be certain rules in that belief that may stop them being involved in a play activity the other children may be taking part in. The child may feel excluded and lonely their physical development could be affected but also their social development could be affected. Health: The children and young people come across may have a number of health issues or disabilities.If a child has a disability that restricts them participating n activities this may have an effect not only primarily on their physical development but also their social development. To avod this, the child must be included as best they can and for them to feel valued. Also Is a child is from a low income family they may not nave the correct diet and nutrition to help them to grow. This may also affect their physical development. Environment: The main environments where a CYP develops Will be their school and home. Both at home and atschool if a child is nurtured and given time then they will develop faster and to a higher level.At home whether the CYP is cared for by parents. grandparents or arers then they will be the first people that the child will develop a bond with. Activities such as read too, and with them and letting them know that their opinion matters will help develop positive growth. A child that is sat in front of a computer playing games may not develop and learn key skills as quickly as a child that has lots of interaction with parents/carers, The surrounding area of the home and school can also hav e an effect. Their development will grow if there are libraries. arks, community centres for Sport and other activities. There they will interact With peer and adults developing a range Of skills. criteria describe with examples the importance of recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people's development. Recognising an Issue with a CYP's development Is Important and responding to any concerns is vital! If during work In a school I have a concern about a pupil's development I would first raise It with the class teacher. I may be asked to record my concerns In-case actions are needed to be taken later.I would need to be sensitive to both the child's and their parent's teelngs and even It others have already raised an issue I should still intorm scrTleone senior in the school. An example that may tind of a child's development being compromised could be a pupil that is new to a school that struggles with English as they may have recently moved to the 13K. This could have an effect on not only their intellectual development through not being able to complete the work done in class, but also their social development. If the pupil has trouble Child and young persons development Understand the kinds Of influences that affect CYP's development Criteria Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect CYP's development including d) background e) health f) environment 3ackground: The children I'll be working With Will come from a wide range Of backgrounds that will have an impact on their development, such as family composition, culture and beliefs etc.If a child iS from a different culture or belief from most of the other children in the class, then here may be certain rules in that belief that may stop them being involved in a play activity the other children may be taking part in. The child may feel excluded and lonely their physical development could be affected but also their social development could be affected. Health: The children and young people come across may have a number of health issues or disabilities.If a child has a disability that restricts them participating n activities this may have an effect not only primarily on their physical development but also their social development. To avod this, the child must be included as best they can and for them to feel valued. Also Is a child is from a low income family they may not nave the correct diet and nutrition to help them to grow. This may also affect their physical development. Environment: The main environments where a CYP develops Will be their school and home. Both at home and atschool if a child is nurtured and given time then they will develop faster and to a higher level.At home whether the CYP is cared for by parents. grandparents or arers then they will be the first people that the child will develop a bond with. Activities such as read too, and with them and letting them know that their opinion matters will help develop positive growth. A child that is sat in front of a computer playing games may not develop and learn key skills as quickly as a child that has lots of interaction with parents/carers, The surrounding area of the home and school can also hav e an effect. Their development will grow if there are libraries. arks, community centres for Sport and other activities. There they will interact With peer and adults developing a range Of skills. criteria describe with examples the importance of recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people's development. Recognising an Issue with a CYP's development Is Important and responding to any concerns is vital! If during work In a school I have a concern about a pupil's development I would first raise It with the class teacher. I may be asked to record my concerns In-case actions are needed to be taken later.I would need to be sensitive to both the child's and their parent's teelngs and even It others have already raised an issue I should still intorm scrTleone senior in the school. An example that may tind of a child's development being compromised could be a pupil that is new to a school that struggles with English as they may have recently moved to the 13K. This could have an effect on not only their intellectual development through not being able to complete the work done in class, but also their social development. If the pupil has trouble

Friday, September 13, 2019

Alice in wonderland belonging

Alice in Wonderland is a well-known film produced in 1951. A remade modern version of the movie was made in 2010. The movie is an American live action/computer animated fantasy film directed by Tim Burton. It was released by Walt Disney Pictures, one of Hollywood’s â€Å"Big Six† film studios, and film stars including Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway. The movie is based on a nineteen year old girl named Alice going onto an audacious adventure. Alice has been confronted by an unwanted marriage proposal to a man, not knowing of how to reply, Alice gets overwhelmed and runs away following a rabbit in a blue waistcoat, and accidentally falls into a large rabbit hole, where she finds herself into another dimension called Wonderland. She gets greeted by a White Rabbit, a Dormouse, the Dodo, the Tall Flowers and Tweedledum and Tweedledee. They argue over her identity as being â€Å"the right Alice†, which legend says that she is somewhat supposed to slay the Red Queen Jabberwocky and restore the White Queen to power. Alice walks towards the Red Queen’s castle. The Red Queen welcomes Alice into her castle and shows Alice the Vorpal Sword (the only weapon capable of killing the Jabberwocky), not knowing that she is the chosen one to slay her Jabberwocky restoring peace to the land. Alice later then manages to retrieve the sword and gets caught by the Bandersnatch, a terrifying beastly creature. She runs away and hands over the sword to the White Queen. Word gets around that the White Queen has possession of the sword handed by Alice, and a rebellious war goes down. Both armies of the White Queen and The Red Queen prepare for battle. Alice later on manages to kill the Jabberwocky and peace is restored to the land. From the purple blood of the dead Jabberwocky, Alice uses it to magically return home. She promises to come back and visit again, like she had thirteen years back. Alice returns home and makes a pledge to her family to live life on her own terms. 1. There are numerous aspects of belonging being represented in the text ‘Alice in Wonderland’. One main aspect in the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ that is being represented to belonging is, when Alice goes onto a mysterious journey in search of a destination where she truly felt she belonged as a child. Alice is being accepted in to the Wonderland which makes her feel belonged and allows her to get a better understanding about her situation in reality. The adventure she goes on, allows her to make many choices of her own and where she has to make a final decision to define who she is and who she wants to become in the real world. 2. Belonging is important to how we find our own identity within ourselves and our place with individuals. It is a connection to people, places, groups, communities and the wider world. Belonging can provide a sense of acceptance, security and completion. Nevertheless, the process of belonging may not always be depicted as a positive aspect. It can also lead to the exclusion or segregation of individuals due to obstacles that delay efforts to belong. The Depiction of belonging is similar to our core text â€Å"The Secret River†, as it has been shown throughout the whole text. An example of this is how both the Indigenous Australians and the English settlers both feel that they either own or belong to the land. As noted on page 93, â€Å"There were no signs that the blacks felt that the place belonged to them. They had no fences that said this is mine. No house that said, this is our home. There were no fields or flocks that said, we have put the labour of our hands into this place. † This quotation demonstrates how the English settlers have no understanding of ownership from the Aboriginal idea that they and the land are one. The Aboriginal people believed that the land was not something that could be retailed or negotiated away. The Indigenous Australians had cared, cherished and lived harmoniously with the land, while on the other hand, the British colonists saw no reason not to take the land and resources of the Aboriginals because they did not place any signs of them owning the land or any property. The Western had built permanent structures and plants out crops on fields as the Aborigines had not invested in the land. It was believed that someone who did not do labour on the land or developed its resources were not considered to own that land. The Indigenous Australians had felt the firmness of the land beneath their feet and knew that the land belonged to them, and that they belonged to it. The Depiction of belonging is similar to â€Å"The Secret River† as it has shown belonging in numerous ways throughout the text by demonstrating who owns the land and who does the land belong to. 3. There are many language techniques used throughout the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to communicate the idea of belonging. These would include symbolism, metaphors and similes. Symbolism is used in the text where Alice goes through a variety of absurd physical changes to her body. She feels traumatic and sorrow for never being the right size. This acts as a symbol for the changes a child may feel as her body grows and changes during puberty. Alice struggles to uphold a comfortable physical size. As stated in In Chapter 1, Well, Ill eat it, said Alice, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door: so either way Ill get into the garden and I dont care which happens! She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, Which way? Which way? † holding her hand on top of her head to feel which way it was growing; and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size. † This quotation shows that Alice is feeling miserable, frustrated and stressed when she keeps finding herself too big or too small to enter the garden. The use of symbolism used in this example demonstrates that it represents an abstract idea of Alice feeling irritated, traumatic and the act of not belonging. Another language technique that was used in the text is Metaphors. A Metaphor is a figure of speech comprising an implied contrast, in which a word or phrase normally is used of one thing is applied to another. †Down the rabbit hole† is a quotation from the film Alice in Wonderland. It is now a famous and most commonly used metaphor symbolising everything from exploring a new and unknown world to taking hallucinogenic drugs intending to explore through philosophical and existential thinking. In the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’, the rabbit hole is the place where all her adventures begins. It was Alices thoughtless decision to follow the White Rabbit that lead to all of her escapades. Lastly, the use of similes was used in the film. At the beginning of the film, Alice refers to telescopes. She wishes that she could â€Å"shut up like a telescope†, as well as other people too. The quote is intending that Alice wants to shut up, but keeps opening and shutting her mouth as to the ability to reduce a telescope’s size by collapsing its moving parts. She also expresses the craving and ability to shrink or grow as effortlessly as she would extend or contract a telescope. The use of simile is important because it conveys a distinctive and fascinating, thought to the audience by comparing it to something with which the reader is familiar of. In conclusion, the use of symbolism, metaphors and similes used in the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by the composer to communicate the idea of belonging is shown throughout the text is effective as it gives the audience a real, vivid image in their mind.

Reflection and DQ's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection and DQ's - Essay Example As such, CSR was described to entail elements which include commitment to serve the best interests of society; yet ensuring that the organization grows through the generation of profits. Without earning financial resources, the organization would not be able to sustain continued operations in producing products or services that would benefit its stakeholders, including the environment and the general public. Finally, the success of CSR also requires consumer social responsibilities to do their part in sustaining and supporting the organization’s commitment to succeed in their field of endeavor. One shares similar contentions that the popularity of applying CSR was considered analogous to a bandwagon paradigm. By merely asserting that the organization adheres to CSR philosophies was already indicative of conformity to ethical, moral, and legal standards. As explained in the video, there are crucial ingredients to consider before CSR could be effectively exemplified. One strongly believes that CSR would only be successful and effective, if and when, the board members or members of the executive team have in-depth understanding of what CSR ideals and philosophies entail. As such, it was commendable to insinuate that the application of CSR goes hand in hand with corporate governance. Thus, organizations should not publicly promote adherence to CSR philosophies without genuine commitment to abiding with ethical standards. There should be a balanced application of business practices that give equal weights to generation of profits vis-Ã  -vis serving the interests of others. The description of CSR accurately attested an exemplary understanding of the relevant lessons presented from the video. The commitment of the organization to look beyond what they offer in terms of products or services that generate profits, to include the ensuring that the effects of these products (or services) generate positive impact to society

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Capital Budgeting Individual Project Assignment

Capital Budgeting Individual Project - Assignment Example Strategic planning is important to the future success of a business enterprise. Capital budgeting is one of the ways that can help a company achieve its long term success through proper planning. Lack of good road map that a strategic plan provides, may lead to misallocation of company resources through addressing short-term issues. This would in turn compromise the long term needs of the company. Necessary Information Sparklin Automotive Company (SAC) has been a successful company within the automotive manufacturing industry, operating since the last eight decades. The company has come up with an innovative idea to launch a new spark plug which offers an enhanced mileage to vehicles i.e. up to 100,000 miles. In order to initiate the new spark plug production, the company needs to set up a new manufacturing plant which would need to be analyzed financially in order to consider it viable for SAC. The entire setup would require information pertaining to the cash inflows and the cash ou tflows that would occur as a result of carrying out the production of the new spark plugs. The financial information that would be needed should only include the relevant costs that would only be attributed as a result of carrying out the new spark plug production. ... owing data would be used to evaluate the capital project: The new spark plug plant would need an initial investment of $1 billion in 2013, which would further be followed by another $500 million investment in 2014. The cash inflows that are expected as a result of this investment are: $300 million (2015), $350 million (2016), $385 million (2017), $400 million (2018), $450 million (2019), and $500 million (2020). All of these expected inflows are considered to be after-tax inflows. It is also expected that the new plant would not attract any Capital Gains; hence no tax savings would be gained. SAC’s current cost of capital is 10%. Capital budgeting The firm’s senior financial officers are faced with two important tasks in a firm. One of the tasks is to make decisions for improving the company’s return on equity. The other task is to find adequate funds for investment opportunities that may arise (Dayananda, 2002). Capital budgeting is the process in which a busine ss management determines whether projects such as long-term investment or building a new plant are worth undertaking. Basically, business should pursue all opportunities and projects that will increase shareholder’s value. However, because of limited nature of capital available for new projects, management needs to implement capital budgeting techniques to determine which will result to high return on a given period of time. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Weighted Average Cost of Capital is the calculation of a firm’s cost of capital that involves proportionate weighting of each and every category of capital. When calculating the firm’s weighted average cost of capital, all capital stock such as preferred stock, common stock, bonds, and any other long-term debt are all included. The formula

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Supply Chain Management- Zara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Supply Chain Management- Zara - Essay Example In such a drill, firms look forward into establishing a larger market share for its products and services. This is done by initiating Supply chains that are manageable with a manageable number of middlemen. Similarly, opening more production points in the market increases the aptness in supply of products in the market. Therefore, the best practice in approach in supply chain management is use of short supply chains, technological control and advancement, bulk transit of products, effective supply chain management, development of new production plants and investment in new markets. Introduction The core point in establishing a firm is to give a constant supply of goods, products and services. Therefore, a firm should strategise on making an effective and efficient supply of its products and services to the people that are in need. In many instances, firms that have apt supply strategies end up making a plausible outcome in their supply. For instance, a structure that ensures there is constant supply of the products attracts a larger demand due to its reliability. Though some factors could affect the supply of products and goods, a firm should ensure that it has a developed supply chain. With such a preparation, it is hard to disappoint the people that need these products by failing to give the goods they need. This shows that the most successful firms have to ensure they have an integrated supply strategy. This makes it appealing to the customers, which is reflected in the results that are recorded in any transaction calendar (Canzer, 2006:12). Following suit in such an approach is an entirely vital aspect that should be used by prospecting firms that need to succeed. Analysis and Discussion Supply chain management denotes the processes that are involved from the production of goods, products and services, through networks and the final relay of the products and services to the demands. It therefore closely involves procurement, manufacturing and distribution. In procurement, the manufacturing firm has to plan on all the materials that are required for production. They then have to acquire these materials and make them available. After this, the manufacturing process begins, where the stated products are produced. This is followed by distribution of the manufactured goods into the trade regions. However, the decision making has to involve logistics and global decision making. Therefore, this is a process that involves other minor processes, which involves many networks that are interconnected. The control of the supply of products does not depend on a single person, as it is at times complicated. As such, there is need to have apt control over the supply chain (Jordan, 2010:32). This will be a move to ensure the supply chain is giving adorable results. In many cases, the supply chain involves provision of packaged products and goods, movement of these goods and products from one place to another till the final consumption of the products and goods. Similarly, services have to pass through this chain to record a complete chain of supply (Zuckerman, 2002:23). Therefore, it is in the best interests of a firm to ensure the chain of supply is effective in delivering the services, products and goods to the demand. If this is not done, the firm will not be making an economic sense in producing the goods for the demand. While working in Zara, it is an admissible fact that the retailer has created the demand for its products. The retailer has been increasing

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Essay Example ( There has been a surge in smart phone ownership, with growth particularly strong over the last year, up by 81 per cent from 7.2 million users in May 2009 to 12.8 million in May 2010. In June 2010, over a quarter of people in the UK (26.5 per cent) said they had a smart phone; more than double the number two years previously ( This data can be used to imply that the Smart Phone would have wide acceptability in the market. One of the important assumptions which we can make here is that the growth in the market will make smart phone more affordable majority of people in the United Kingdom, their proliferation will increase and also lead to a surge in the contents of the mobile and data consumption. A new report regarding the geography of smart phones indicates that the shipment of smart phones in the first quarter of the year was 55.2 million with the growth hitting 67% year-on-year. ( It is assumed further that it provi des a substantial opportunity for different people in the mobile ecosystem – from operators and manufacturers to publishers and advertisers – who adapt to this dynamic market. ... On 7th May, 2009, a long-awaited recommendation on the mobile termination rates to reduce termination charges was adapted by EU by the end of 2012. ( On 1st April, 2010, a statement with a further consultation was issued to the mobile number porting process in which the porting time took one day ( The standard Value Added Tax rate is 17.5%, however, it will be increased to 20% in January 2011 ( The call tariffs indicate that calls may be charged by any residential or business package selected as the Charge Costing Package ( This implies that the market for mobile phone users is likely to be damaged as the call rates may rise because of the increases in tariffs mentioned above. Apart from that, the mobile operator companies are likely to introduce new packages to attract more consumers. This would directly have an impact on Vertigo as the demand for cell phones would rise pertaining to offers and packages introduced by Ope rators (Gruber, 2005). PART B 1. Financial Budget and Forecast for 3 year (Apple iphone; Assumed) The sales forecast is assumed on the basis of iPhone units sold by Apple in the past year when it was launched. As reported by O2, Vodaphone, Tesco and Apple’s management, iPhones were set to reach 2.5 million units. Furthermore, 10.7 million units were sold throughout Europe and 11 million units are expected to be sold in the year 2010 therefore, these figures are assumed to be the UK’s share in the latter. (; Prices are kept constant however; they are adjusted with an expected inflation rate of 4%. The Annexure at the end of this

Monday, September 9, 2019

International Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

International Financial Reporting - Essay Example The notion â€Å"true and fair view† has originated from British accounting. There has numerous definition of â€Å"true and fair view† as there is no exact definition available of the term either by the standard setters or in law or even through court verdicts. The notion â€Å"true and fair view† has never been defined officially and as the principle is dynamic, it is neither desirable nor possible to give an exact definition for the concept. (Evans 2003:312) However , in a French case that was decided in 1994 did mention about the phrase that termed it as a trust on adhering with accounting regulations, which does not automatically guarantee a true and fair view. IASB demands that financial reports should offer a true and fair view. US accounting regulation's demand that accounts should be presented as per generally accepted accounting principles. (Walton & Aerts 2006:69). As per IFRS, the general intention of financial reports is to offer a just and fair presentation of the modification or changes in the financial performance and position of a business organisation or a company. The Conceptual Framework of IASB advocates that fair presentation could also be mentioned as offering a â€Å"true and fair view†. However, IAS 1.15 standard specifically states that publication of financial reports, which is based on the chief hypothesis that the application of IFRS with further or additional dissemination, if needed, is supposed to present financial reports mirroring a â€Å"fair presentation.† ... needed, is supposed to present financial reports mirroring a â€Å"fair presentation.† Further, IAS 1 demands in the same tenor an unreserved and explicit of adherence with IFRS to be comprised in the notes to the accounts. (Walton & Aerts 2006:69). As per Walton, the three classes of significance of â€Å"true and fair view† are a residual, legal clause; a generally accepted accounting concept and an independent concept. Further, under the view of GAAP, the proposition for European harmonisation is that before the fourth directive, each member nation had its own â€Å"true and fair view.† Thus, to establish a synchronized â€Å"true and fair view† would need a common meaning or GAAP; and that it should be noted that actual words are just signifiers only. As regards to â€Å"true and fair view†, Walton’s general view is that it is having both a probable large political meaning and an operational meaning, when accountants are enhancing or defe nding their professional position. The notion â€Å"true and fair view† has been formulated in the UK footed on the following three fundamentals namely an independent concept; a legal residual clause and generally accepted accounting principles. (Evans 2003). A† true and fair view â€Å" is needed to accomplish â€Å" the goal of financial reports â€Å" which is to offer info about the status of the financial standing , financial performance and any modification or change in the financial status of a business or a company that is advantageous to a broader choice of stakeholders or users in arriving at financial decisions. (ISAB: IAS Framework 2001). In financial reporting, the â€Å"true and fair view† can be mirrored by four qualitative uniqueness namely undesirability; relevance; comparability and reliability. Financial reporting is the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Inca Empire and their Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Inca Empire and their Agriculture - Essay Example Almost 1800 years after their selection of agriculture as a profession, there was a session for which warm weather prevailed, thus enabling the civilization to flourish. The Incase used Llamas to transport their goods. Llamas were also a potential source of wool and meat for the Incas. As the Llamas carried goods from the jungle to the mountains, they occasionally stopped at ponds to quench their thirst and that was where they defecated communally. â€Å"This provided fertiliser which was easily collectable as today by the local people for the surrounding field systems† (Chepstow-Lusty cited in Anning, 2011). Despite the fact that the Andes are included among the tallest mountains across the world, the Incas managed to coax harvests from the sharp slopes of the Andes. Crops whose resilient breeds were developed by the Incas included but were not limited to quinoa, potatoes and corn. The Incas managed achieved this by building cisterns and irrigation and canals that wiggled all around and down the Andes. They cut terraces inside the hills that became steeper and steeper from the valley towards the slopes of the mountains. In the 1400s, the area covered by the terraces was about a million hectares. â€Å"In this way the whole hill was gradually brought under cultivation, the platforms being flattened out like stairs in a staircase, and all the cultivable and irrigable land being put to use† (Vega cited in Graber, 2011). ... The Incas compared the quality of plants including kantu flowers, grain, wheat, panti, and quinoa grown at different light intensities and altitudes. As a result of their experimentation, the Incas found that the deeper planted crops were exposed to cooler temperatures as compared to the ones planted at more heights. Also, different plants were found to react in a different way to the quantity of sunlight and water provided. The difference of temperature between the lower and higher levels was considerable. At certain places, the difference of temperature was as much as 15 ?C, which is what the difference of temperature is between a point at the sea level and another point at a height of 1000m from the sea level (Rediscover Machu Picchu, n.d.a). The agricultural cultivation done by the Incas and the irrigation systems they developed were so strong that they have continued to work to date. The Incas created stepped agricultural fields. Owing to the height of mountains surrounding the Sacred Valley region, path of the sunrays reaching down the valley is blocked while the sides of the mountain receive sunlight for a significant portion of the day. There are certain regions in the valleys where the limited space justified the use of steps to enlarge the area for cultivation of crops. The steps also enabled the Incas to achieve more control over the supply of water required for irrigating the crops. The steps provided the Incas with protection against floods and landslides as the water did not find vast horizontal regions to accumulate. â€Å"The rocks used for creating the steps strengthen the sides of the mountains, thus protecting what is in the valleys

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Reject inference applied on large data sets Research Paper

Reject inference applied on large data sets - Research Paper Example However, this assumption does not hold true in the case of application scoring. The modeling data set becomes inherently biased if the customers that are perceived to be â€Å"bad† are approved while those that are perceived to be â€Å"good† are rejected. It is a matter of fact that the only population’s performance that is known is for the approved, which apparently does not perform the same way as the rejected population, hence the rejection of this population is rather questionable. Notably, the selection bias does not take place if further bad rates are estimated using the approved population in the model alone. Nonetheless, considering that the model is applicable to the whole population in order to decide who to reject and who to decline, the bias becomes a very important consideration. Correction and accounting for this sample bias is achieved by use of rejecting inference techniques. In view of this, a gap is present in any statistical model when known Good-Bad (KGB) of the approved population of loan applicants is used, because of the high sampling bias error that occurs. As a matter of fact, any analysis of characteristics is biased as a result of the ‘cherry selection’ of prospective good customers. If bad rates across the whole population is truly described by the characteristics, then it is evident that the rate of approval by the same characteristics should be inversely related. For a case in point, if the customer has serviced loans without any problem for the last one year, then the subdivision’s general bad rate should be moderately small, and the approval rate from this subdivision should be large. Nevertheless, customers that hold at least 4 bad loans in the previous one year should be treated as a high credit risk. As such, any approval in this segment should be assigned a variety of other ‘good’ characteristics to su persede offensive

Friday, September 6, 2019

ICT Notes Case Essay Example for Free

ICT Notes Case Essay Whenever personal details or other private information is stored about people, it is regulated by the data Protection Act and organisations storing such information must register with the data protection bureau. It gives rights to data subjects (i.e. in this case the patients who have specific data about themselves stored on the health centre system). Data is subject to 8 main regulations to protect the rights and privacy of individuals. These are: 1. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully. 2. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes. see more:annual function speech 3. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is used. 4. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. 5. Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the specified purpose. 6. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the act (patients have the right to view and correct information held, except in cases of crime or certain government agencies). 7. Data holders should have appropriate measures in place to protect the data against loss, theft or corruption. 8. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country outside the EEC unless that country ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights of data subjects. Computer Misuse Act 1990 This law was introduced to cope with the problems of computer hackers and viruses. The Act was introduced to recognise these three offences: 1. Unauthorised access to computer material If a member of the health centre staff uses another staff members password to log onto their user area, this is illegal. Even if they dont change, delete or damage anything, they are still guilty of accessing materials without authorisation and this is illegal. 2. Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime The difference between this and the first offence is that the person gaining access to someone elses system is doing so with the sole purpose of doing something illegal e.g. fraud, blackmail etc. This might mean that they had to guess or steal the password in order to get into someones user area or their bank account. 3. Unauthorised modification of computer material This offence relates to the deletion or changes made to files with the intent to cause damage to an individual or to the health centres computer system. This offence also covers planting viruses to other peoples systems. Writing a virus technically isnt a crime; but if you knowingly transmit a virus to others, you are guilty under this section of the Computer Misuse Act. Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1989 This act was passed to make it illegal to copy files, software etc without permission. The law can be broken in three ways: 1. Using software without a proper licence. The health centre must ensure it purchases a site licence which allows everyone at the centre to use the software. 2. Using text or images from the internet and using them without the copyrights owners (the authors) permission or acknowledging where the health centre got them from. 3. A member of staff copying a computer program at the health centre and then running it on their computer at home without permission from the copyright holder. 4. Health and Safety Issues Relating to Computer Use The health centre must ensure under the Health and Safety Regulations 1992 that they provide a safe working environment for anyone using computers. The health centre must :Ensure that the computer equipment is safe. 1. Ensure workstations meet the required standards for health and safety i.e. provide proper computer chairs, foot supports, lighting etc. 2. Plan work so the staff have regular breaks which allow them to do non-computer work. 3. Pay for regular eyesight tests for staff using computers regularly. 4. Provide health and safety training and information to all staff. There are various health problems associated with the regular use of computers. Here are some of the most common problems and what can be done to reduce the risks: Health Problem Cause Solution Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) * Repetitive finger, hand or arm movements. * Poor posture. * Badly designed workstations. * Ensure wrists are straight and elbows are close to your sides when typing. * Ensure posture is correct. * Take regular breaks. Eye strain * Staring at the VDU for long periods. * Poor lighting, glare from the screen, flickering screen. * Use a screen filter to reduce glare and keep your eyes at least 18 inches away from the screen. * Ensure appropriate lighting. * Have regular eyesight tests. * Take regular breaks. Back/Circulation problems * Poor posture. * Sitting all day in front of a computer. * Ensure posture is correct. * Take regular breaks and walk to improve circulation. The use of ICT when Paying Staff WagesStaff at the health centre are paid using a computerised system and their wages are paid straight into their bank account. The benefits to the health centre for having a computerised system: 1. It is quicker and more accurate than calculating wages manually. 2. The added security that wages are paid straight into bank accounts i.e. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) money is transferred from the health centres account to the individual staff members account. Employees at the health centre are paid weekly. Payroll uses a system called batch processing, this is where all data is stored up and then all processed together. In order to calculate how much each employee should be paid the following inputs, processing and outputs must take place. Inputs Processing Outputs Employee payroll number, name, address, DOB, marital status, N I number, hourly rate/annual salary, pension details, holiday entitlement, days off sick etc * Employee record will be read by the system. * Each employee will be paid by the system. * Each employee record will be updated by the system * The payslip * Money is transferred from the health centre bank account to each employees bank account. * Report for the health centre detailing updates, payment etc Methods of Maintaining Data SecurityData is invaluable to the health centre if they lose their data it is very hard to replace. Loss of data would cripple the health centre in the short term and may even jeopardise its existence as a service. Measures must therefore be in place to ensure data security. Security can be viewed in terms of physical security, access security and data security.Physical Security Equipment can be made more secure by: 1. Keeping a record of all serial numbers on each piece of equipment and mark the health centres name and postcode on all equipment so the police can identify stolen property easily. 2. The health centre could have a security alarm system and surveillance system on the building as well as ensuring that windows and doors are locked after surgery hours to prevent access. 3. The closing of blinds on windows and switching off monitors at night will make the computers less visible. 4. The use of fireproof doors and smoke alarms will help reduce the risk of fire in the building. Access Security Vast amounts of data is lost due to carelessness by employees e.g. not saving work, deleting files by accident, not saving files with sensible file names and therefore are difficult to find etc. Limiting each employees access to the system with help to ensure against the loss of data to the health centres system. 1. Password -this is still the major line of defence. Restrictions can be imposed on length of password and restrictions on the times a user can access the system. 2. Firewall this is a piece of software which sits between the health centres network and the rest of the internet. It will monitor the system for any breaches of security and protect the health centres information and computing resources by allowing only messages conforming to certain protocols (agreed set of rules) to be sent/received. 3. Anti-Virus Programs this software is used to detect viruses and to limit the damage by removing them. Data Security To prevent the loss of patients records etc the health centre needs to ensure that regular back-ups are made of the data on the system using suitable backing storage (also known as secondary storage). Types of Backing Storage Name of Device Advantages Disadvantages Hard Disks * Large storage capacity 20 gigabytes or more. * Faster to access * Any problems with the hard drive may mean all data stored on it will be lost Floppy Disks * Small and portable * Data can be transferred easily between different computers. * Disks can be made read-only which will reduce the chances of data being accidentally overwritten. * Small storage capacity 1.44 megabytes. * Accessing data is slow * Being floppy it is easily damaged Optical Disks e.g. CDs DVDs * Direct access to the data. * Faster to access * CD-Rs only allow data to be written onto them only once The above list is not exhaustive and you should explore other alternatives.Website Design and Hosting There are many reasons why businesses or individuals have a website. In the case of the health centre it has a website to provide information and services to patients e.g. providing advice on minor ailments, surgery hours etc. Some other purposes of having a website: Type of Site Reason Personal * Sharing pictures/stories with friends and family Business * Inform customers of their products/services * Company news, events etc * Recruit staff E-Commerce * Advertising their products/services for sale * Offering home shopping facilities Educational * Offer information on training * On-line encyclopaedias News and Entertainment * Latest world news * Sports information A website is made up of one or more web pages. A web page is created by writing code in a language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) which was developed especially to create web pages. There are many web page designs. Most good web pages share some common elements: Web Page Element Its Purpose Banner This is the area at the top of the page and is often the same on all the other pages of the web site. It may contain a company logo, search box etc Menu System This area provides navigation around the site Content Area The main content of the web page is here. It may contain, text, images, sound etc. Footer This area will often contain copyright notices, terms and conditions etc. Navigation (method of moving around the site) is important especially if the site is made up of several web pages. There are 3 main methods to of using navigation: 1. The Hyperlink when you click your mouse on a navigation hyperlink it will take you to another page. This page could be on the same website or a different website (external link). 2. The Menu System the navigation menu gives you a choice of which page you want to view next. A menu is a set of hyperlinks grouped together. There are various menu styles such as a side menu which normally sits on the left hand side of the page. 3. Hotspot this is an area on the web page which when clicked will allow you to jump to another page. It is a way for the designer to make the hyperlink invisible or for them to allow you to click on an image in order to jump somewhere else. When you hover your mouse over a hotspot the cursor changes to a little hand There are a number of ways to create and design a web page: Design Methods Software Advantages Disadvantages Straight from a Microsoft Office application * Word * PowerPoint * Simple, just save as a web page * Can only create a basic page Text Editor * Notepad * Low cost as Notepad is free with windows * You have to know a lot about HTML code * Easy to make a mistake as all the code is written by hand Web Authoring Package * Microsoft Front Page * Macromedias Dreamweaver * It will provide ready made templates * Easy to add/remove pages without breaking the site navigation * Expensive * Takes time to learn In order for other people to see the health centres web site it must be placed on a web server. This is called hosting. A web server is made up of 2 things: * A computer * Running on the computer is a piece of software called web server software. The website is loaded on the servers hard disk, when a request is made to view a web page from the health centres site the server finds it on the hard disk and sends a copy to the computer that has made the request. The WWW is made up of millions of web servers, each connected to the internet. In order to view the health centres website, the requesting computer must be running another piece of software called the web browser. The Use of Systems Flowcharts Flow diagrams are a way to work out the best order to do something. System flowcharts show exactly how the data moves e.g. the health centre could produce a system flowchart to create a new patient record. The main symbols used to develop flowcharts are: Start/End The terminator symbol marks the starting or ending point of the process. It usually contains the word Start or End. Process A box can represent a single step (add two cups of flour), or and entire sub-process (make bread) within a larger process. Decision A decision or branching point. Lines representing different decisions emerge from different points of the diamond. Input/Output Represents material or information entering or leaving the process, such as customer order (input) or a product (output). Flow Line Lines indicate the sequence of steps and the direction of flow. Data storage Indicates a step where data gets stored. For Example Save Orders Delay Indicates a delay in the process. For example Wait 1 day There are benefits and drawbacks to using system flowcharts. Here are some of them: Advantages Disadvantages Flowcharts are good way to communicate the details of a process to all concerned e.g. programmers use them to write commands that will create the computer system. Some processes are so complex that it becomes difficult to represent them clearly in a flowchart. Flowcharts can help people analyse problems, highlight bottlenecks and is a good way to document a process. If an alteration needs to be made to the system, the flowchart usually needs to be redrawn. If it is a complicated flowchart, this can require a lot of work. Flowcharts enable an organisation to have a record of standard business processes. People need to understand what the flowchart means and what the different symbols represent. You cannot give a flowchart to a novice and expect them to understand it. The Use and Analysis of Survey Data The goal in any survey is to collect accurate and complete information. In order for a survey to be effective and provide meaningful data it should be conducted in a uniform manner i.e. all respondents must be asked the same question in the same way. Conducting a face-to-face interview and the completion of a questionnaire are 2 popular ways information is collected. Advantages/Disadvantages of Interviews Advantage Disadvantage Questions are fully completed as respondents can clarify points further with the interviewer. Interviews have to be pre-planned. A time and a place has to be convenient to both individuals. An individual may cancel. Detailed information can be gathered in a variety of formats e.g. written, voice recorded. Interviews can cause a change in behaviour and respondents may feel pressurised into giving an answer they would normally not give. The interviewer can give feedback to the respondent e.g. Thats important to know. This can be used to keep the respondent talking and therefore is likely to give more in-depth answers. Interviews are time consuming, costly and information taken by the interviewer may be too detailed, illegible etc Advantages/Disadvantages of Questionnaires Advantage Disadvantage Can reach a geographically wide spread area. Poor completion and return rate. Many people can be reached in this way quickly and cheaply Points cannot be clarified further and writing may be illegible. Easy to conduct statistical analysis on. If they are simple they have little information. If they are complex they may be difficult to understand. The health centre relies on information being up-to-date and accurate in order to plan or make decisions in the short/long term e.g. depending on the number of patients the health centre has will dictate the number of doctors it has on call. The type of information gathering techniques used will depend on the type of information required: * Quantitative information This is based on numerical facts, figures and statistics e.g. number of patients who are male, sales figures etc. * Qualitative information This provides depth and detailed information. It takes into account views, judgements and opinions etc. The type of questions asked will determine the type of responses given: * Closed ended questions These can usually be answered by a simple yes or no. They are restrictive and can be answered in a few words e.g. does this answer your question? Or can I help you? * Open-ended questions They require a more broad and lengthy answer and are used to gain more information from the respondent e.g. When you say [topic], what do you mean? Or What do you mean by [topic]? Hardware Software that could be used in a Health Centre Hardware Device Function Health Centre Applications Keyboard Input Patient detail input, database, spreadsheets. Mouse Input Most computer users prefer to use this. Scanner Input Scan hand written notes into the system (maybe from previous doctor). Digital camera Input Photo ID held on the system Temperature sensor (thermistor) Input (sensor) Environmental and safety control systems Smoke detector Input (sensor) Environmental and safety control systems Proximity detector Input (sensor) Environmental and safety control systems (doors) VDU Monitor Output Any application requiring Graphic User Interface (GUI) or information display. Receptionist: to up-date appointments Doctor: to view patients history Flat Screen VDU Output As above to save space LCD Display Output As above using laptops or in bright sunlight. Have limited viewing angle. Inkjet printer Output High quality low volume graphic publications and reports. Laser printer Output Volume printing such as welcome letters to new patients, mail shots to advise patients of changes in surgery hours etc. Dot matrix Printer Output Where multi copy output is required e.g. prescriptions. Software Programme Function Theatre Applications Database I/P Process O/P GUI Patient appointment system. Mail shot production. Spreadsheet I/P Process O/P GUI Financial analysis and reporting. Control programme I/P Process O/P GUI Environmental and safety control systems e.g. fire safety system. Word Processor I/P Process O/P GUI General office purposes. Patient letters and mail shots. Control Systems A control system is a system of hardware and software thats used to control the operation of a piece of equipment. Two types of control systems: * Dedicated: these are basic systems that carry out a pre-programmed set of instructions e.g. traffic-light system- lights change at fixed time intervals. * Computer-controlled: these use a computer to control the output device, and this computer can be connected to a sensor e.g. pressure pad sensor for automatic doors. Sensors measure physical qualities in the environment such as heat, light, pressure, sound etc. In order for a computer to control something there must be three things present: 1. A means of getting the information into the computer: An INPUT 2. Instructions for the computer to do something with the input: A PROCESS 3. It then has to be able to alter something in the outside world: An OUTPUT Most computer controlled systems use a feedback loop which is when information from a sensor is used to control the output device. The sensor sends signals back to the computer and the computer decides whether to make any changes based on this information. This happens again and again in the loop system. The flowchart below shows a loop system which represents a system for monitoring light levels outdoors and turning on a lamp when it gets dark (i.e. when the light intensity is less than 50 ona scale). Computer Controlled Systems Advantages Disadvantages Computers can respond instantly to changes. The system is expensive to purchase Systems can be running 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Special software is needed. Computers can process data quickly and machines can operate faster than humans. If something unexpected happens, the system may not be able to think for itself. In the health centre the possible control systems are: A security alarm system which may have an infra-red sensor which sends a signal when the beam is broken. A heat sensitive sensor in the corner of a room which may detect the presence of a person. Temperature sensors which could be used to control the heating in the health centre. Analogue and Digital Signals Digital and analogue are two different types of transmission systems: * An analogue signal can be represented as a series of sine waves. The term describes any fluctuating or continually changing process. An example of an analogue signal would be the data sent along a telephone landline. An analogue sensor can take a range of values e.g. a heat sensor. * A digital signal has only two values On and Off. Data transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of 0s and 1s. Each of these digits is referred to as a bit (and a string of bits that a computer can address individually as a group is a byte). An example of a digital signal would be the data sent into a television via a digital cable. An analogue sensor can only be On or Off e.g. pressure pad sensor. Computers cannot deal with analogue signals and therefore requires an analogue to digital converter (ADC).This is used to change the analogue data into digital data to allow the computer to process the information The ADC is connected between the sensor and the computers input/output port. Once the computer has processed the data, the output often has to be converted to an analogue signal and so a DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) is used. Database Systems used in a Health Centre A database is an organised collection of data which is organised into fields and records. The main benefit to the health centre for having a database is that it allows them to search quickly for specific patient information. Databases can be: * Flat-File All data is stored in one large table which can be viewed by opening one data file. It can be created using a database system or a spreadsheet. It is ideal for small amounts of data that needs to be human readable or edited by hand. With this type of system there is unnecessary duplicating of data which can mean that mistakes are more likely to happen during data input. * Relational Data is split up into sensible groups and then stored in separate tables. In the case of the health centre they could have a table with customer data, a table with appointment data etc. All the data is linked together by key fields and a database management system (DBMS). This means that data does not have to be duplicated. Relational databases also have built in functions which allow retrieval, editing and sorting of data to be much quicker.